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— PEELING AWAY THE MASK: To get to the heart of what really matters.

Have you ever wondered why we often keep repeating the same mistakes in our careers, finances or relationships? Have you found yourself "fitting in" with others, persuading yourself to behave in a way that was more comfortable for your partner, family, friends and colleagues? Have you ever considered how it might feel to let go and be who you truly are, deep down inside?

It sometimes takes a crisis to force us to look within, to shake free from patterns, childhood trauma and social conditioning. When doctors told forty-year old Hilary Franklin that she would end up in a wheelchair due to early onset osteoarthritis, and when within two years she was walking only with the aid of two sticks, she was determined to find another way. Following her engagement with various healing modalities including Shiatsu, Voicework and Family Constellations, Hilary gradually recovered her health. At the same time she recognised that the genuine nature of her inner being was LOVE. With that knowledge and when she felt that bliss, came joy, courage, wellbeing, personal power, and a sense of balance. It also led to a loving relationship!

Hilary created a new way of living which achieved vibrant health and this part of her story weaves itself in with a seven month pilgrimage around the world, where she visits South America, Hawaii, New Zealand, Thailand and Egypt. It is an inspiration to see how we can journey with an intention, creating a powerful way of exploring both the outer physical world and at the same time our own internal landscape. You never know what you might discover - just like her trip, it could be the adventure of a lifetime

Hilary is a loyal wisdom ambassador of conscious and compassionate communication. I am honoured to sing her praises and her essential call to us all - to live an authentic life.
— Chloe Goodchild